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Discover an effortless setup and enriched search filters on SummerCamps.com, crafting a detailed profile to attract your ideal campers.

SummerCamps.com ensures every camp discovers its ideal match. Sign up today to showcase your unique offerings, connect with the perfect campers, and create lasting memories. Join us in fostering a vibrant and diverse camp community!

  • Define your camp’s unique offerings, values, and ethos.
  • Showcase your specialties and niche services.
  • Set clear expectations to attract the perfect campers.
  • Amplify your camp’s visibility with our premium features.

SummerCamps.com is the top directory for modern camp experiences. Explore diverse offerings, and create lasting memories with our innovative platform. Your gateway to contemporary camping awaits!

  • Enjoy an intuitive, mobile-friendly search experience.
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  • Seamless contact and enrollment functionalities.
  • Trust and accountability guaranteed

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Number of Categories Where Your Listing Appears4030124
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Pricing$997/Year (Jan-Dec)$797/Year (Jan-Dec)$597/Year (Jan-Dec)$147/YearFREE
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Step 2: Submit Your Listing

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SummerCamps.com serves as an essential platform for parents actively seeking diverse and enriching summer experiences for their children. By aggregating a comprehensive list of summer camps across various categoriesโ€”including arts, sports, academic, and adventure campsโ€”this platform simplifies the discovery process for parents. This ease of access is crucial for camp directors aiming to market their camps effectively. It not only amplifies their visibility among a targeted audience of engaged parents but also positions their camps in front of those seeking new and memorable summer opportunities for their kids. For camp directors, leveraging SummerCamps.com means tapping into a dedicated channel that connects their unique offerings with parents eager to find the perfect summer setting for their children, thus enhancing enrollment opportunities and overall camp success.

Discover Your Perfect Camp

Find the ideal summer camp tailored to your family’s preferences. Explore diverse categories, from outdoor adventures to creative arts, ensuring a personalized and unforgettable experience for campers.

Tailored Summer Adventures

SummerCamps.com offers tailored summer experiences with specialty camps for nature enthusiasts, aspiring artists, and sports aficionados. Filter through niche services for a camp that aligns with your campers’ unique interests.

Connect with Trusted Camps

Rest easy with SummerCamps.com’s listings, ensuring trust and accountability for a safe summer experience. Our thorough verification process guarantees high standards, providing peace of mind for a summer full of fun and excitement.

Emma T

CampConnect made it a breeze to find the perfect nature-focused camp for my kids. Emma’s daughter’s summer was filled with outdoor adventures, making new friends, and creating memories that will last a lifetime

Ava R

As a sports-loving family, SummerCamps.com helped us discover the ideal sports camp for our children. Our son had a blast honing his skills, and we appreciated the seamless process of finding a camp that matched our family’s interests.

Sophie M

SummerCamps.com was a game-changer for our family. Our daughter’s experience at an arts and crafts camp was nothing short of amazing. The platform’s user-friendly interface and extensive camp options ensured a summer filled with creativity and joy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do summer camps in cost?

Day camps in typically run between $100-$1,000 per week. This amount can vary tremendously based on location, activities, length of sessions, days of the week, food provided, and more. Typically, city and non-profit sponsored summer camps range from $100-$300 per week. Sports day camps are usually in the middle, ranging from $300-$700 per week. The top end of camps ranges from $700-$1000+ per week and usually includes activities such as coding, STEM, or niche sports such as horseback riding or squash.

How long are summer camps in ?

Summer day camps range anywhere from one week to eight weeks on average. Most camps are on week and last either Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday. Some camps only run on certain days of the week, and some camps may have limited hours that do not cover an entire work day.

Are summer camps tax deductible?

In the United States, summer day camps receive even better treatment than being tax deductible - they may qualify for a tax credit. Under the Child Care and Dependent Care Tax Credit, you may be able to receive a credit against your taxes provided the following conditions are met:

  • Child attends a day camp so you can work or look for work
  • You have earned income during the tax year
  • Child is under the age of 13
  • Identify the summer camp provide on your tax return

What do you do at summer camps in ?

At day camp, kids and teens enjoy a variety of fun and enriching activities throughout the day before returning home each evening. Our programs include outdoor adventures like hiking, swimming, and sports, as well as creative pursuits such as arts and crafts, music, and drama. Campers also participate in team-building exercises, nature exploration, and themed events. Guided by experienced counselors, children develop new skills, discover interests, and make new friends in a supportive and dynamic environment. Each day is packed with excitement and learning, ensuring campers have a memorable and rewarding summer experience.

Is summer camp worth it?

Absolutely, summer camp is worth it! The experience provides invaluable benefits that extend beyond just having fun. Campers develop important life skills such as independence, teamwork, and resilience, all while making new friends and creating cherished memories. The variety of activities offeredโ€”from sports and outdoor adventures to arts and craftsโ€”helps children discover new interests and talents. Guided by dedicated counselors, campers also learn leadership and problem-solving skills in a supportive environment. The personal growth, confidence, and joy that campers gain make summer camp a worthwhile investment in their development and happiness.